~ Appointments ~
Below is a calendar showing currently available appointment times. You may book online by clicking the "Schedule Now" button next to an available time slot. Please feel free to email massage@emeraldvine.net or call 206.347.0777 if you have any difficulties or questions. Note that we only allow booking ~3 months in advance.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025Note: Calendar defaults to day with soonest available appointment. |
Availability current as of Tuesday, January 14, 2025 12:44 AM. |
Availability current as of Tuesday, January 14, 2025 12:44 AM |
~ Pricing ~
In an effort to approach market value, rates are being stepped up from $160 to $180 at the beginning of 2025. There is a special for current clients (existing prior to the pricing change) to make the step up in cost more gradual through the end of 2025. No tips, please.
~ Forms ~
Intake Form: If you are a new client, I encourage you to print and fill out this form to bring to your appointment.
Insurance: I no longer accept any form of insurance other than personal injury claims. If you plan on making a claim, print out this form to bring to your appointment. Please note that in the event that your insurance does not cover your massage appointment, you will be responsible for payment at the time of service.
~ Building ~
If your appointment is on the weekend or after 7pm, the door to my building will be locked. I will try to greet clients at the door a few minutes before the appointment time begins.
My office does not have a private waiting room; please use the shared waiting room at the end of the hall. If, when you arrive, my door is ajar, feel free to knock.
~ Cancellation Policy & Late Arrivals ~
If you do need to change or cancel your appointment, please give me at least 24-hours notice, otherwise charges will be made for the time reserved. If you are feeling ill or there is an emergency of some kind, please let me know as soon as possible and allowances can be made. You will often receive a reminder email in the days before your appointment; as it is a courtesy, in the event that you do not receive a reminder, you are still responsible for remembering your appointment time. If you are late for your appointment, I will do what we can to give you the best massage possible within the remaining time scheduled for your session.